Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children” (Lam. 2:19)
As this school year begins you and I must be bold enough to pray bold and brave back-to-school prayers for our children. Bold and brave enough to take whatever action is necessary to speak up for the protection of children and the need for gun control. Bold enough to speak to educators and teachers to insist that our school systems be accountable to the community for safe and high-quality education for our children. We must be bold and brave enough to pray on school grounds.
Almost four months after 19 students and two teachers died in the mass shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas our hearts are still broken, shocked and sad for the families and our communities. As school has started for public and private schools around the country many parents and family members are uneasy and maybe perhaps fearful about the return of our children to school.
Consistently pray united back-to-school prayers for our children, parents, teachers, the school board and the entire school system. Through prayer, families, our children’s lives, and our world can be changed. God will show us how to use the power that believers have within through the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our schools and deliver them from violence, disorganization, and poor administration.
Through united, consistent prayer, God will give us the power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity to solve the many school problems that plague our city schools and school board. Through prayer, the right leaders will arise who are bold, brave, and wise to bring the community together to take productive and strategic action to transform our educational system and our schools.
Yes, we need prayer. However, prayer should lead us, as I say, “to put feet and hands” to your faith after we have prayed to take strategic action.
Can prayer change public schools? Yes, united back-to-school prayers. Believe it Our educational mountain systems, particularly our public school system can and will be changed by united and individual prayer, then by our obedience when God calls believers and intercessors as I always say “to put hands and feet on their prayers” and to take strategic action.
Pray for the school your child attends as you drive your child to school.Pray for a school in your neighborhood. Encourage your children to pray for their school and teachers.
Parents and the community need to unite in prayer in our neighborhoods and on the school grounds to serve as prayer warriors who battle in the spiritual realm for the lives of children and teenagers as they go off to school and college for at least a half hour to one hour every week.
Let’s challenge ourselves to pray daily for the safety of our children and that God will deliver them from evil and thwart every scheme of the enemy.
Prayer: Lord in the name of Jesus we pray that you cover the children and youth through the blood and “stay the hand of violence against the children and staff of the school. Dismantle any plan to bring harm to them. Expose any weapon brought on the school premises and render it harmless”.( from Power-Packed Prayers for Public Schools by Ida Rose Heckard).
Here’s a prayer for the safety of your children and a prayer to help them with achievement.
Here’s a prayer for the safety of your children and a prayer to help them with achievement.

A Prayer for Your Child’s Protection and Safety
Heavenly Father, you are the sure defense of our children, you are the rock of refuge, their high tower, and their protector. How I praise you and thank you for the certain knowledge I have that you care for my child, you will be with him/her always and you will keep him/her from the evil one.
Lord, you saved Israel from the hands of the enemies time and time again. You delivered your people and helped them to dwell in safety. Be a very present help to my son/ daughter__________________(state their name )as he/she goes out to play, goes to school, attends college and faces the challenges and responsibilities in our society. Lord build a hedge of protection all around the school building, playground, bathrooms, classroom and hide them under the protection of your wings as in Psalm 91in the name of Jesus.
Keep our home safe from all fear and dispatch your angels to protect my children at school,on campus, on the playground, on the bus, and on walking home from school. Uphold my child, ______according to your Word, Lord, so that he/she might truly live, experiencing the abundant life you have promised to all who come to you. Let him/ her never be ashamed of you. Hold him/her up so that he/she will always be safe and will have respect for your statutes continually. I pray that he will honor You and your Word. I thank you, Father, for the promises of your Word, and that you are a shield unto them that put their trust in you. Deliver them from all who would harm them.
(Prayers That Prevail for Your Children by Richards and Hildebrand)

Prayer for Students’ Academics
Father, I pray for ____________________________________ who is facing the new school or college year and the challenges and difficulties of school responsibilities. Impart your wisdom to him/her so that he/she will understand that wisdom is the principal thing. Motivate him/her to seek wisdom and to gain understanding.
Grace and mercy come from you, Lord. As you did for Daniel and three Hebrew children, I ask that you give my children knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom so that he/she/ they may be excellent in all his/her their school work and activities. In Jesus’ name Amen.
(References omitted.)Prayer That Prevail for Your Children by Richards and Hildebrand
Wednesday we will share prayer points for children, teachers, and administrators.
Here are prayers for Day 1 through Day 3 for this week. Continue to check back for other prayers for your children.
Day 1- Spiritually
Pray that your child will understand the Gospel and learn to apply biblical principles to every aspect of life. Lord, lead my children to trust in Jesus for their eternal salvation so that they can be a light at school, the community and everywhere they go. Let them be assured that their souls are secure in Your hands. ( John 3:16, 10:28-29)
Day 2- Relationship with the teacher
Pray that your child will develop a deep respect and appreciation for his/her teacher and will act respectfully toward all authority figures. Father, may the student, staff, and teachers experience a positive, respectful relationship and Your love in profound and authentic ways. ( John 13:35)
Day 3- Relationship with peers
Pray that your child will develop a close bond with his peers and that he/she will choose friends wisely. Lord provide my children with friends at school and in the community who are supportive and truthful. Keep them from relationships that provide negative peer pressure and would draw them into temptation.
Linda Fegins, The Courage Catalyst

Linda D. Fegins, is the “Courage Catalyst”. Her book “The Courage to Be First” will be released in October. Known as “The Prayer Leader”. has” served as prayer leader and teacher/trainer on the “Prayer Boot Camp” with the Global Mission Prayer Force and as a guest intercessor and volunteer for Girlfriends Pray a global prayer ministry. She served as Prayer Coordinator for over 13 years( later Director over the Prayer Ministry) for the Lydia Circle Christian Business and Professional Women. As part of the Lydia Circle, she has led over a dozen prayer boot camps, has led prayer services and workshops in the Bahamas and in South Africa, and was on the prayer team of medical missions trips to Jamaica under the leadership of Rev. Jackie McCullough.