It’s Monday. Marvelous Miraculous Manifestation Monday. So take courage on Marvelous Monday to step out to do one thing that is a part of your dream, assignment, or goal. I challenge you.
Greetings and Blessings to each of you. It’s Marvelous Miraculous Manifestation Monday. Thank God for Monday. Thank God for His unfathomable love for you even when you mess up. You are blessed. Thank God for new opportunities and a new start.
So take a faith action step to do the things that you have been dreaming about doing. Do not let fear hold you back or cause you to procrastinate. God did not give you the spirit of fear.
Embrace this week Start the book, make that call or start writing the vision for your business.
Believe and make declarations that God is working out your day and the week; that God is working in your favor and that Jesus can fix / solve/ work out that problem for you. Speak the word. Meditate on it. Believe.
Makes no difference what you are going through. Get ready for a blessing. God “got” a blessing with your name on it! Get ready for your blessing.
Why be depressed when Monday rolls around? Don’t focus on the negatives. Look at the positives. Look at the fact that God daily loads us up with benefits beginning with Mondays!!! You are alive. Just that is a blessing! God will work in your favor, and He is your sun and shield. Psalm 5:12 Have a new outlook on life!
You have been blessed with gifts and talents. Use them to bless others for you may be the answer to someone’s prayer. Have faith to take action to fulfill that dream that is in your heart. Walk by faith. Not by sight. #MarvelousManifestationMonday#Godgotablessingwithyournameonit
Encourage yourself in the Lord. Speak affirmations. Be courageous and take that action step today. Have the courage to show up, speak up, and take action. You may have the answer someone is waiting for.

During the hearings about the January 6 insurrection, we heard about some brave women who took action and provided answers the world needed to hear by daring to show up, speak up, and share in word and deed what occurred on that negatively unforgettable day.
The bravery of Capitol Police Officer Carolyn Edwards , former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, and committee vice-chair Liz Cheney demonstrates how women have leadership skills and can stand courageously in the heat and terror of a crisis.
Edwards’ testimony quickly set the standard for what the committee hoped to show: that a few good people stood in the way of constitutional disaster. Edwards, described how she was beaten, dragged to the ground, and knocked out — only to recover, get on her feet and dive back into the fray in front of the Capitol.
Hutchinson’s testimony showed the power of speaking up. Just 25 years old, the former West Wing aide chose to speak live although she had been deposed several times. Hutchinson was not beaten; she didn’t slip in blood — but her testimony was another kind of courage. A committed conservative who supported Trump spoke the truth when she could have played it safe.
“As an American, I was disgusted,” she said about a tweet Trump sent out as the Jan. 6 attack unfolded. “It was unpatriotic, it was un-American. You were watching the Capitol building get defaced over a lie.”
Which leads to Liz Cheney. The stakes for Cheney’s career and her safety could be at risk. However, she had the courage to name names.
Take heart that what you do and what you can do if you achieve your dream or goal can add value to others, your life, your family, and the world. Have a great Monday and week. Be strong and courageous.
Linda Fegins, The Courage Catalyst, lindafegins@prayandactwrite.com, ldfaygo@gmail.com
Fervently pray,
Linda Fegins
Prayer Director,Lydia Circle of Christian Professional and Business Women
Writer of an article in the Anthology -“Tali Cumi: Daughters Arise”
Writer of an article in the Anthology -“It’s Worth the Struggle- Inspiration for Contemporary Writers”
Christian Dramatist, “Sojourner Truth”, “Eve” etc.
Sunday School and Christian Education Teacher
Linda’s (Faygo’s) Report Blog, http:www.instanter.wordpress.co—
Thank you!! This was what I needed!