Happy 4th of July ,
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. So Happy 4th and Marvelous Monday. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 Pray for the eradication of racial profiling, and hate crimes and for the protection of black lives and rights. Pray to protect our voting rights and get out and vote on the local and national levels.
Abolitionist Movement Leader Frederick Douglass believed that the celebration of July 4th for Black Americans was complicated. Complicated given our history and today because of what has been happening in our nation such as racial profiling, attacks on voting rights, and bold racial disrespect and violence.
May God Bless America and heal our land as we humble ourselves to pray and repent. Pray. Speak up. Take righteous action and work together in unity.

It’s Marvelous Miraculous Manifestation Monday. On this Marvelous Monday, praise God for His unfathomable love for you!! Praise Him for daily loading you up with benefits. Know that God is your Provider. Expect Victory. Expect a burst of overflow. God specializes in things that seem impossible. “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37:ESV. God is amazing and can “ fix it”, bring you through, will never leave you, will help see you through and He listens and answers prayer. Believe and obey His Word. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
Keep praying, pressing forth, and pursuing the dreams God has placed in your heart. Have the courage to press forward and take faith action steps toward your dream, mission, and purpose.
Linda Fegins, The Courage Catalyst lindafegins@prayandactwrite.com;ldfaygo@gmail.com