Join the conversation between Harriet Tubman (Karol Brown) and Sojourner Truth (Linda Fegins) on April 30, 4pm on Zoom. Register to see these two great trailblazers and learn something new about their faith, freedom, and the future. Watch the video and hit the link below the picture to register.
Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman Chat via
@YouTube… Hit the link
In the midst of violence, school shootings and injustice we must stand unified to use our voices to speak up and then take righteous action by faith to maintain our freedom and to protect our future generations. Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth in the 1800’s used their voice to speak up about slavery and women’s rights when it was rare, dangerous, and unacceptable to do so. Both took courageous action to make a difference in the lives of others.
Come hear the conversation between these two heroines about faith, freedom, and the future on Zoom on Sunday April 30, 23 at 4pm Register at this link
Their courage in the face of racism and sexism in the face of adversity is amazing.
What Gives Us Courage?
Courage is defined as “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear” (Dictionary). In truth, courage does not mean the absence of fear, but moving forward despite fear. It comes from having faith in God and yourself and your convictions even when faced with great opposition.
Courage comes from within; it takes strength to be brave enough to speak up for what’s right even when it’s not popular or comfortable to do so. Harriett and Sojourner did that at a time when they were seen as only chattel
It is this kind of bravery that has inspired countless others throughout history to take a stand against injustice no matter what odds they were faced with. It is an important time to reflect on what gives us the courage to take our own stand or make our own small contribution.
What Choices Do You Need To Make?
It takes strength to be brave enough to speak up for what’s right even when it’s not popular or comfortable to do so.
Having the courage to stand up for what you believe in does not happen overnight; it takes time, faith in God and His Word, and determination to build that level of bravery within yourself. It starts with making conscious choices in your life—from your personal life to your business decisions and your dreams—to confront any fear you might have about speaking up or taking action. Making these kinds of choices will help you build your own moral courage so you can take meaningful steps toward making a difference, no matter how small those steps may seem at first.
It is easy for people to sit back and be complacent when something wrong is happening around them – but real courage means taking action despite your fears. This could be anything from writing letters or emails expressing your opinion on topics you feel passionate about, engaging in conversations with people who think differently than you do, joining protests or campaigns you believe in, donating money or resources towards causes you support, etc.. The possibilities are endless!
So ask yourself today – what can I do? What choices am I willing to make so I can have the courage to take righteous action? Take Courage! Make change! Love justice! Act now! If each one of us takes even just one small step forward together we can create an unstoppable wave of progress around us! Let’s do this! Do not allow fear of being too old, too late, and past mistakes keep you from fulfilling the dream in your heart!
Linda Fegins, “The Courage Catalyst” ,