Father’s Day, often overshadowed by the overwhelming celebration of Mother’s Day, is an opportunity to recognize the vital role fathers play in the family and in the lives of their children. Let’s celebrate and honor Fathers, especially Black fathers. This month, as we commemorate Father’s Day, let us take the time to honor, reflect upon, and encourage the father figures in our lives. Through prayer, positive comments, and sharing stories, we can celebrate and uplift the men who love, train, protect, and maintain strong relationships with their children. Let us seize this moment to make a difference and express our heartfelt appreciation for the fathers, father figures, grandfathers, uncles, mentors, and committed men who have impacted our lives.

Reflection of A Good Father
Fathers, including Black Fathers, can be protective, strong, stern, yet heartfelt and gentle. They are always there to provide, lend a helping hand, or be our biggest cheerleader. Several men called into the radio station to share a story about their Black Father. In a heartfelt reflection shared on a radio station, a man described how his father taught him valuable lessons through his actions. He recounted a Halloween incident where a bigger boy stole their trick-or-treat bags. Just as the caller felt defeated, his father, who had been watching over him, swiftly jumped the fence and retrieved the stolen bags. This act of love and protection exemplified the care our heavenly Father has for us and taught the caller how to watch over his own family.
Another caller highlighted the importance of fathers in teaching respect for women. He shared how he learned to respect and treat women by witnessing his father’s exemplary behavior toward his mother. These stories resonate with the profound influence fathers have on their children’s values, character, and relationships.

Overcoming Stereotypes and Challenges:
Black fathers often face unjust stereotypes and challenges that perpetuate negative narratives about absent or disengaged fatherhood. However, countless black fathers defy these stereotypes, demonstrating their dedication and love for their children. By debunking these misconceptions, they pave the way for a more inclusive and accurate understanding of the vital role black fathers play in their children’s lives.

Prayer for Fathers and Children to Pray
Let us encourage and pray for Fathers and children to pray for and with one another. Let’s challenge men to pray more with their children. May Days and kids pray for each other- separately or together using a responsive format.
Dad: Help me to be a father of excellence. I want to model fatherhood in such a way that my child will have a healthy understanding of You as a heavenly Father. Fill me with godly love and characteristics that reflect that I am created in Your image. Let me act toward _______in the way You would act. Let my words be full of grace. Help me be slow to anger; abounding in love, with a forgiving spirit. ( Jas3:9-10; Num 14:18).
Child: Help me to be a good son or daughter and to be a good example of childlike faith to my dad. You said that we all have to become as little children to be part of Your kingdom.
Dad: Help me not to put too much stress or pressure on my child. Equip me to bring him/her up in godly training and instruction. Help me to act righteously toward ______ so that he/she will not become discouraged. (Eph 6:4; Col 3:21)
Child: Help me obey my Dad because I know it’s the right thing to do. Remind me to obey him the first time he says something and do it with a glad heart. ( Eph 6:1; Col 3:20)

Call to Action:
This Father’s Day, let us go beyond mere acknowledgment and actively engage in honoring the men in our lives who have embraced the role of fatherhood. Here are a few ways you can take part:
Share Your Story: Take the time to reflect upon and share positive comments and reflections about the father figures, grandfathers, uncles, mentors, and committed men in your life. Express your gratitude for their impact and the lessons they have taught you.
Encourage and Appreciate: Reach out to the fathers and father figures in your life to let them know how much we appreciate them. Share heartfelt messages, and thoughtful gestures, or spend quality time together to create lasting memories.
Pray for Fathers: Dedicate time to pray for fathers around the world. Pray for their strength, wisdom, and guidance as they navigate the challenges of fatherhood, and ask for blessings upon their relationships with their children.
Remember Those Who Are No Longer Here: Take a moment to honor and remember fathers who are no longer with us. Celebrate their legacies by sharing cherished memories and stories with others.
Father’s Day provides us with a unique opportunity to celebrate and honor the indispensable role of fathers. By recognizing their love, support, guidance, and positive influence, we can uplift and encourage the men in our lives who have embraced the calling of fatherhood. Let us heed the biblical call to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 CSB) and make this Father’s Day a truly meaningful and transformative experience for the special men who have touched our lives.
Linda Fegins, “The Courage Catalyst and “Persuasion Strategist” https://prayandactwrite.com; linda@lindadfegins.com

Author : The Courage To Be First-Confront Your Fears and Take Action