“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.” Serena Williams
Women’s History Month is not only a time to honor trailblazers and history makers in various professions and arenas, but to encourage unsung heroines and support women you know that may not make headlines but have made an impact in your life and the lives of others. I challenge you to encourage and give a shout-out to
It is great to recognize those who have left us a rich legacy of courage, faith, perseverance, and wisdom. Honor those who dared to go “first” to walk where there was no path for them and where they had no script to follow. Recognize the many who took the baton and pressed forward to make that path wider, break down some barriers, and continued to persist in their battles against gender bias, racial prejudice, and unequal pay.
This month encourage and give a “shout-out” to – sisters, aunties, mentors, and friends, who have made a difference in your life because they inspire, support, and encourage you.
Therefore, let’s think about, encourage and pray for the women in our lives who have influenced our lives even in small but impactful, endearing, and life-changing ways. The woman may have influenced you to be or to strive to become a successful entrepreneur. She may be a marketplace influencer in her niche or the mountain God has assigned her.

She may have shown you the loving example of what is true friendship or is a woman who models the message of Christ. Your sister friend or mentor may be someone who has poured into you and inspires you to follow your dreams with action.
You love this woman’s spirit of excellence. She may have a kind loving spirit. This woman may be someone who inspires you to run on to achieve your dreams and encourages you not to grow weary in well-doing. Or she is that bold sister friend who in love and with the right spirit tells you the truth and stretches you to excellence.
Unassuming, but this woman is there when you need her, can be trusted, and will step in when needed. She is a woman who has a praying spirit and is a faithful intercessor that bears fruit in the Kingdom.
You may admire the way she manages her household, raises her children, and loves her family. The fact that she is a faithful steward and a doer of the Word in action inspires you. She may be the woman who always supports you, knows all about you, yet loves you anyway. She tells you the truth and what is right to do, and lets you know you can do all things.
You may have little contact with this woman, but you take notice of her spirit of excellence and what she is doing, and you respect her. You watch her from afar and admire her grace, style, and wisdom.
Celebrate and encourage the women you admire from afar and near and just “see them”; or just those who have blessed your life, sown time, love, wisdom, and support in your life; or the woman you admire because she models the message of Christ because of her fruitful spirit and is a doer of the Word.
Celebrate the women in your life that are working every day to achieve their dreams despite challenges. They keep moving forward and they are or will make a difference in the lives of others.

Call To Action
Take action to show how important women are in your life.
First. Pray for them. Pray for them to have time for self-care and to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. Pray for their families and marriages. Pray that they would walk in their purpose and achieve the desires of their heart. Pray for their business and that they will obtain the contracts they seek, complete the book or achieve that degree.

Show and Tell Them You Appreciate Them
Second. Let the women in your circle know what you appreciate about them. Give them specific examples of how they bless you, inspire you, and identify the actions of your sister or friend you just admire. Send a card or give them a call with a virtual hug.
Ask What You Can Do For Them
Third, ask what you can do for the women you admire and appreciate that is within your power to do. We all need encouragement, and support and you may be surprised how you will bless them. Iron sharpens iron. No woman is an island. We all need support no matter the” superwoman” we may think we are. Dr. Pam Perry, the market “angel” states “Networking is not always about getting. It is really about giving”. You are more blessed when you give than when you receive (Acts 20:35). “When we network together, we weave a bond of ultimate power”.
Creating alliances and cultivating relationships is critical today, especially in business, exclaims Minetta Hare a serial entrepreneur and business strategist. In the Lydia Circle for Christian Business and Professional Women Thursday 7 am meetings, Minetta would ask those in attendance to tell the others what they do and how the ladies could support their business.
So in honor of Women’s History Month let us encourage and support one another and show and tell the respect, love, and admiration you have for the women in your life.
Linda Fegins is a “courage catalyst” An intercessor, Linda loves to glorify God through drama, poetry readings, and portrayals of women characters of the Bible to minister, teach, equip, and empower women to pray and then have the courage to take action to achieve their dreams. Her book ” The Courage To Be First: Confront Your Fears and Take Action” will be released in April.

Linda Fegins, lindafegins@prayandactwrite.com ; lindafegins.com; Linda@lindadfegins.com copyright 2021,2023